

How to make a vagina


Are you missing your girlfriend or your wife has a bad day? No problem – the need is an mother of invention!

How to make homemade vagina

In today’s craft corner, you can read about how to make cheap and simple homemade vagina – also known as male masturbator,or “FLESHLiGHT”.



  • Fleshlight No.1 – made out of rubber gloves

To complete the first model we will need the following items:

A rubber glove
Two sponges for washing dishes
Glass or plastic cup (not too small – best penis size)

Installation instructions are on the images below:


homemade vagina 1


  • Fleshlight No.2 – made from a corn starch

To construct another self made vagina you will need:

Approximately 100 grams of corn starch
Plastic cup the size of the penis
A stick or something a little smaller than the size of our  penis

We begin by pouring corn starch into a cup, then pour into the cup 100 ml. water and mix it thoroughly. Then pour another 100 ml. mixing water and renew.

Then insert the cooked mixture into the microwave and “cook” for 1 minute. Wyjmyjemy cup from the oven, make sure that the mixture is thick and did we do in the middle of a small hole. Then put a cup for the next 30-40 seconds in the microwave and “cook”.

In the next step take out cup and put a stick inside diameter slightly smaller than the penis. Remember not to push the stick too far – just 3/4 cup depth.

Then put a cup of almost already complete vagina for about 40 minutes in the freezer, when our “cast” already has cooled remove the cup from the freezer and stick from the cup. The vagina is ready!

Homemade pussy shown above has a structure similar to rubber and can withstand this temperature to 58 ° C and therefore there is no concern that the melt or lose their properties.

The whole process and the final appearance of our self made vagina is shown in the picture below:


homemade vagina 2


  • Fleshlight No.3 – made of cotton

To make another self made pussy will need:

Moisturizer (eg, body oil)
An empty plastic bottle
Cotton, wool or something alike

Cut off the bottom of the bottle and then burn the sharp edges created by cutting off the crown, with a lighter.

Developed inside the condom pour a few drops of the humidifier and then wrapped it with cotton wool as shown in the picture below.

Then gently pushed cotton with a condom inside the bottle so that the part of cotton wrapped around the bottle.

On the cotton carefully pull the condom as shown in the picture.

In conclusion, we pour a few more drops of the “entrance” of our fleshlight.

And so, everything is shown in the picture below:


homemade vagina 3


Good luck and enjoy!


And here you will find a guide for girls: how to make a homemade dildo

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