Masturbation is something that in most societies is shameful and condemned act. Despite to this, everybody does it, even if they will not admit it…
Few of you probably know about this, but for hundreds of years created devices that have prevent masturbation! That is, if someone does not want to obey orders and too much liked to masturbate, it goes so far as to “technical solutions”.
There are many devices that are intended to their creators had to prevent masturbation.
Today we will show you the anti-masturbation devices for men.
Different types of cages for the penis, devices that caused the pain and discomfort when erection, and even those that are cooling the dick or treat him with electricity!
See them all in this terrifying gallery.
A special harness with a cage for penis and testicles. It will not let you for too much familiarity with your intimate parts.
Cage with a padlock, you’re lost if you lose the key!
The device in which the penis was immobilized and attached to the legs. Erection in such a thing was impossible, I think.
This device work so that the erection turn on the bell. Ring-Ring – yes, it’s the rerection!
Quite coarse and robust cage, no bird which had no chance of escape.
Ring worn on the penis in “standby mode”, which made the built-in rim blades digging into the flesh with every erection. Quite painful thing.
This device pulls pubic hair during erection.
Another rings with painful spikes. Pretty old but probably still efective.
This ingenious invention is made up of special underwear in which is a sensor that when detects an erection – cools your penis with cold water. Perfect for hot weather.
Another rings of pain. Looks like a bear trap.
And here we have another model of cage for the penis.
In this photo and for next two, we see yet another kind of ring with razor-sharp spikes that during every erection sink into the body of the delinquent, effectively weakening his amorous rapture. This model also has a padlock so if you do not have a friend locksmith, sometimes it can be badly …
Ouch no.2
And if you wither pain from the spikes, cold water, plucked pubic hair, and opening padlocks you mastered to perfection, we have for you a device that strikes with electricity!