Girls are outraged when they say that their place is in the kitchen. But after seeing these pics it’s hard to argue with that!
If you say that girls place is in the kitchen, you will be at best mocked and pelted with curses ;-D
The times when a man earned, and the woman was a housewife and took care of the children, are over. Women want equal rights and saying that they are best for the kitchen, they often recognize disregard and insult.
As you can see on the photos below, the girls perfectly fit into the kitchen and they look really hot in the kitchen equipment environment, or on the kitchen counter…
See for yourselves – hot girls in the kitchen. Naked cooking could be so sexy!
So, say what you want, I think the girls perfectly fit for the kitchen, and even though it apparently guys are better cooks, the girls look much better there.
Nice coker :))