When you’re drunk you do not know what’s going on around you, some jokers can take advantage and make you look like the people in these photos.
There is a saying that true friends meet in poverty. And what can be greater poverty than when a person is so drunk he did not know what was happening to him. You can then do with such a man as you want and even then the next day there will be nothing to remember. Well, unless you make photos …
Now we have for you a collection of photos taken with people who were completely drunk and while sleeping their friends decided to do them prank.
They did them very original make-up, strange things glued to their faces and even glued them to the wall with adhesive tape.
The ingenuity of these jokers do not know the boundaries and the results are hilarious!
Take a look at this drunk pranks, and beware – you never know when you might encounter something like: D